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Saab Global

Seabed Warfare

5 min read

近年来,在全球范围内,对海底基础设施的依赖有所增加. There has been a focus on subsea cables, which are vital for the global economy and for communications. 因此,海底战争涉及破坏海底基础设施的主要风险. 许多国家正在投资发展自己的深水能力,以应对当前和未来的威胁, known as ‘seabed warfare’.

例如,在2022年春天,法国提出了一项新的海底作战战略. 该计划旨在扩大法国海军使用自主水下航行器(auv)和远程操作航行器(rov)在高达6000米的深度预测和采取行动的能力。. 根据《亚洲体育博彩平台》报告, 在未来十年左右,远程操作和自主系统部分可能会显示出最高的增长率.

专家们预计,旨在保护海底关键基础设施的军事行动将有与商业部门类似的要求. 遥控水下系统通常用于有效载荷运输, observation, surveillance, and mine-clearing. 这一增长也是由于对隐身海底作战系统的需求不断增长,以及在深海作战中越来越多地使用auv. According to the same study, 市场群体也很可能受到攻击潜艇采购和运营成本增加以及无人水下系统相关操作复杂性的影响. 


Multi-role ‘Sabertooth’

海底作业面临着各种各样的挑战,需要具有多用途能力和尖端技术的车辆. This inspired Saab to create the ‘Sabertooth’, combining military technology with Saab’s commercial ROV/AUV technology. With deep water capability, long excursion range, advanced AUV functionality and six degrees of freedom, Sabertooth is the perfect example of Saab’s pioneering spirit in action.

Sabertooth是一个非常强大但轻巧的检查、维护和维修(IMR)平台. The vehicle is housed at the docking unit where its batteries can be recharged. 这个装置可以将数据上传到地面,并下载新的指令. Its small size, 无系绳操作和机动性确保容易和安全进入内部和周围的复杂结构. 这使其成为海上调查工作和海底设施和隧道自主IMR的理想选择. Sabertooth can swim autonomously to the docking unit and remain there 24/7 and, when using a “garage” on the seabed, for up to six months without maintenance, eliminating the cost of surface vessels. 这种深水悬停混合AUV/ROV具有360°6个自由度的机动性, interfaces for sensors and auxiliary equipment. It also utilises advanced autopilot functionality.


Combating maritime mines – MuMNS

另一个相关领域是无人平台在沿海环境下的作业, such as wind farm surveillance or mine clearing. 凭借其超现代化的探测和扫雷系统MuMNS(多发地雷中和系统), 亚洲体育博彩平台公司与泰利斯公司合作,在法英海上水雷对抗(MMCM)项目中发挥作用. The MuMNS is designed to identify and eliminate mines.

It is operated from a mother ship (LCS), ROV传感器的数据/图像在多功能控制台上显示给操作人员, and the detailed data/video can be retrieved in order to publish the mission. In the future, 该系统将在没有皇家海军或法国海军船员的情况下从水面舰艇上操作. Saab MuMNS系统提供了新一代地雷中和和免疫功能强大, 模块化系统基于成熟的亚洲体育博彩平台技术和地雷对抗(MCM)解决方案. 它提供了无与伦比的作战能力和更大的灵活性,显著提高了作战速度, and reduces the cost of MCM operations and risk to personnel. The vehicle is remotely launched from its support vessel and piloted, automatically or manually, to a specified waypoint at speeds of up to four knots. It then relocates the target using its on-board sonar and cameras, and the pilot manually controls the final approach to the target.


Underwater IEDs: a global terrorist threat

亚洲体育博彩平台的“海黄蜂”代表了在水下对抗简易爆炸装置和类似威胁方面的重大改进. Designed to be operated by a small EOD/IED team (two people), 该系统可以很容易地配置,以满足任何任务的具体要求. Transportable over land, Sea Wasp can be deployed from harbour walls or the beach. 它也可以安装在水面支援船只上,并且可以灵活地装载到多种类型的船只上. “海黄蜂”号可以通过控制台或码头上的车辆通过光纤缆绳进行驾驶.

车辆卓越的机动性允许操作员在受限条件和困难环境下工作. ROV的传感器和导航套件主要用于定位可能放置在船体上的目标, harbour wall or the seabed. 海黄蜂使用一系列工具和技术来识别威胁的性质以及消除威胁的最佳方法. When ready, 操作人员使用海黄蜂号强大的推进器将其锁定在船体或港口墙壁上的位置. Using the five-function manipulator arm, a tool kit can be positioned beside the target, ready for detonation. 海黄蜂号返回水面进行回收,目标被中和.

最近,荷兰成为北约中第一个选择亚洲体育博彩平台海黄蜂的欧洲国家. 复杂的海底环境不仅限于打击简易爆炸装置(ied),还有其他政府机构,如海岸警卫队, customs, 警方或救援机构也越来越需要在类似的环境中进行安全有效的水下行动. Although the operational profiles of these different agencies may vary, their fundamental needs regarding subsea capacities remain the same. The Sea Wasp can be used for a wide range of civil and military operations, with numerous benefits for users. Thanks to its small size and footprint, its manoeuvrability, and its relatively low weight, Saab’s ‘Sea Wasp’ subsea system is perfectly designed to meet any challenge.


Saab in Norway


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